Apprtc iOS in Swift 2.x

For those who are looking for Apprtc code  in Swift 2 with features like Video Mute, Audio Mute, Rotation support, you can refer to this link. The code is now updated with March 2016 version of Webrtc. I am considering writing a cordova plugin. For those who require any help/clarification can comment here. I will try to reply ASAP. Checkout for more of my blog articles or my services Checkout, a free mobile number lookup service to detect legitimate business or scam/fraud


  1. Hi Mahabali…Thanks for sharing the app. If I want to connect my localserver for SIP instead of apprtc then how should I do it ?
    I am running a local nodejs server which accepts the client connection over websocket. Can you please direct me in this case.


    1. Apprtc is specifically written to have google’s server as broker. In your case, you should use websocket to exchange SDP and ICE candidates between 2 clients and your server should facilitate exchange. Research on the above said lines, you should be implement your own video conferencing system.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I need to implement functionality like in phone-calling, like while you calling play some sound and when opponent accept stop it , and then i need to start timer while your conversation is continue


  2. In that case you need to have a separate telephony mechanism to act like regular call. Possibly like a separate mechanism to trigger call and accept call. Once you accept a call, you should start webrtc signaling. Hope that helps.


  3. Hello.. Amazing work there converting the webrtc framework..
    I am also trying to work it out for tvos… Any idea how should I proceed…
    I’ll be very glad to get any kind of guidance.. Thanking you in advance.


    1. Well for TVOS, I guess you need to do the following

      1. Make webrtc bitcode enabled – Follow instructions here –

      2. Just dont enable media during client side (in this case tvOS ) intialization. Make a webrtc connection without media from client side.

      3. Rest all the same.

      Interestingly you cant access Mic in Apple TV and you cant connect camera to Apple TV. So why dont you prefer regular streaming instead of webrtc?


  4. Awesome!

    now I’m trying to put AppRTC code in my app.
    I copy Lib directory and BridgeHeader in to my project.
    and linked some frameworks include WebRTC.framework.
    It occurs bulidtime error ‘Linker command failed with exit code 1’
    I tried to solve this poblem. But still occurs 😦

    Can you advice for me?


  5. Hello! Great work on this!
    I was wondering if you had any plans of integrating the project with Callkit – with/without the signalling part that needs VoIP push notifications etc. I’m fairly new to iOS coding and I wanted to see a best practice at work before I started fiddling with it. (There aren’t any public implementations yet, unfortunately).


    1. Hi Eleftherios

      I am bit occupied. So updating apprtc-swift to latest version and callkit integration will take time. Hopefully I i will update it by next year.



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